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(815) 477-4302
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(847) 458-5836
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Frequently Asked Questions
What can i expect during my exam?
Upon arriving to our vision center, our staff will help you fill out new patient paperwork if applicable. There will be a few pretests done before seeing the doctor. Auto-refraction, tonometry to screen for glaucoma and retinal photography are all included. You will then see the doctor where he will review your medical history and perform a complete eye exam.
What staTE insurances do you accept?
We accept the following state sponsored vision insurances: Illinois Medicaid, Aetna Better Health, AM Better Health, Molina, Meridian, Youthcare, BCBS Community Health, and County Care.
What other vision insurances do you accept?
We are also providers for Davis Vision, Spectera Vision, Superior Vision, VSP.
So are there different insurances for routine vision care and medical eye care?
Yes. Your vision insurance will cover your yearly routine eye exam to check your vision and screen the health of your eye. You will receive your eye glass prescription as well as your contact prescription (if applicable) at the end of the exam. You can purchase glasses and contacts from Wal-Mart Vision Center or take the prescription to the optical of your choice.
Your medical insurance will only cover any medical or health issues involving your eyes. Examples of medical eye conditions would be “red, irritated eyes”, corneal ulcers, glaucoma, macular degeneration, floaters, dry eyes, conjunctivitis /”pink eye”, or a foreign body in your eye.
What age do you recommend a first eye exam?
We recommend at age 3 to have a complete routine vision exam. If you have any concerns before that age we recommend scheduling an appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist.
Do you offer contact training for a new wearer?
Yes we will teach new wearers how to insert and remove contact lenses as well as the appropriate care for contact lenses. We take our time to make sure new wearers feel comfortable learning this new skill.
Do you provide back to school eye exams?
Yes we provide a child friendly eye exam for kindergarteners and above. Your child will be given options of seeing letters, numbers or even pictures during the exam. We make sure the experience is low stress and fun for your child. You will be given a copy of the State of Illinois Eye Examination Form to take back to your child’s school.
Can I use the prescription you give me to purchase glasses and contacts online?
At the end of your exam you will receive a copy of your glasses and contact prescription (if applicable). You will have all of the necessary information to place an order at the Wal-Mart Vision Center, another optical of your choice or as an online purchase.

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Monday - Thursday
10am - 6pm
9am - 2pm